Faith at Home Moments

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3.30.20 | Music Mondays

Good morning! For our Music Monday today we're sharing two albums to help kick off your week. 

For families with littles, check out the album by "Go Fish"

For older kids and adults, check out this album by "Rend Collective." 



3.26.20 | Get Outside!

3.25.20 | Faith Conversation

These conversations don't have to be a formal time, but work great over meals or snack times!

3.24.20 | Let's Connect!

The sun looks like it's peeking out, and the weather looks warmer today. Get outside and spread some joy while you connect with neighbors today.

3.23.20 | Music Monday!

Hi Friends! Mondays we'll be sharing some music with you all! Today we've got a video done by a few of our youth group members helping to bring some music and actions into your day. Enjoy!

3.20.20 | Prayer Time!

Fridays are going to be all about prayer! Today is a simple bedtime prayer you can use with your kids!
