January Moments in History


Jan 11

In Our History – January 12th is the 25th anniversary of a wind storm that significantly damaged the front of our church.  On Friday, January 12, 1990 gales force winds blew about one-third of the bricks off the front of the church.  Damages were estimated at $75,000.  This became an opportunity to remodel and provide a handicap access, increased narthex space and a lift.  Pictures of the before and after and the Pioneer Press article are on display downstairs in the lobby.

Jan 18

In Our History – Between 1850 and 1890 the population of St. Paul had more than tripled to 133,000.  This population gradually moved from the center of the business districts along the Mississippi to the north and west.  Trinity, one of the first Lutheran churches in what is now the Minnesota South District, established several daughter congregations to meet the needs of this expanding population.  In 1888 Trinity purchased two lots on the corner of Grotto and Lafond.  They built a two story structure and started a parochial day school.  Later they offered Sunday evening church services.   Pastor Richard von Niebelschuetz was called as assistant pastor at Trinity to serve this mission church.  It became evident that there was a need to organize a new congregation in this community.  At a special voters’ meeting on May 4, 1890 the Trinity congregation approved the organization of a daughter congregation and donated the lots at Grotto and Lafond.  On May 26, 1890 it was resolved to organize under the name The German Evangelical Lutheran Saint Stephanus Congregation, Unaltered Augsburg Confession.   (Note, the original Trinity church building at Wabasha and Tilton was razed to make room for the expansion of the Capitol grounds.

Jan 25

In Our History – In 1938 the pastor’s wife thought it would be nice if recent brides had their own society for fellowship and support.  By 1955 many of the original members of the “Bride’s Club” were still meeting even though their children were now in high school!  That fall they decided to change their name to Sunshine Circle to better reflect their projects and purpose.  The first meeting of the Sunshine Circle was January 14, 1955 with 44 members.  They would meet monthly for the next fifty years.  We smile to remember their bulletin announcements: “Sunshine Circle will meet Tuesday at the home of…….Please bring scissors.”  What did they do with those scissors?  They made tray favors for St. John’s Hospital and Bethesda Care Center, made confirmation banners and hymnal bookmarks, and made and filled hundreds of stockings to be distributed after the children’s Christmas programs. These were the grand dames of our congregation forming the first of our three circles.  Sunshine Circle met through 2005. 
