Faith at Home Moments

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3.19.20 | Get outside!

Thursdays are get outside days! (Although if you're here in MN, you might want to hold this activity for a sunnier day). 

3.18.20 | Faith Conversation Wednesday

Wednesdays we're going to be giving you prompts for faith conversations. These will be a question, conversation topic, and bible verse that will hopefully bring some fun insights to God's goodness and provision during this season. 

Today's verse is: Genesis 28:15, "I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”

3.17.20 | Connection Tuesday

Hello friends! Our goal is to keep you resourced as parents to be faith leaders in your homes. But we know that doesn't have to be a structured hour long thing. Because honestly, y'all have enough to do right now trying to figure out how to parent through this. So these will be short, moments that you can do at any time.

Today's activity is a Connection Chain! A visual way to see the community that still surrounds you, even while we can't physically be together.
